Latest Posters

An Innovative Solution To Remove Monoclonal Antibody Aggregates
This poster details a resin-based approach employing immobilized caprylic acid, to effectively eliminate high aggregate levels along with host cell protein residues, for enhanced monoclonal antibody purification.

Rapid Contamination Detection in Short Shelf-Life Biopharmaceuticals
This poster explores state-of-the-art nucleic acid detection, the critical steps and the advantages of this approach.

Achieve Baseline Separation of AAV Full and Empty Capsids for Multiple Serotypes
To meet these needs, we developed scalable capture and polishing chromatography steps for recombinant AAV. Here we highlight the polishing step.

Productivity Optimization for AAV Affinity Chromatography
The industry has adopted standardized methods for the production and purification of rAAV, streamlining processes for greater efficiency. However, high titers are crucial for meeting demand and cutting costs for therapies that require large doses or have wide patient bases.

Analyzing Tumor Heterogeneity With Mass Spectrometry and Spatial Biology
This poster highlights the latest spatial biology solutions for GBM tissue analysis, offering critical insights into the metabolic signatures and immune cell infiltration of this tissue type.

The Future of HPLC/GC Solvents: Glass vs Aluminum Packaging
Traditional soda lime silica (SLS) glass bottles have long been the industry standard for the packaging of solvents; however, they may introduce unwanted ions such as Na+, K+, Ca++ and Fe+++ over time.

Important Qualities of Mobile Phase Additives for LC-MS Applications
The mobile phase is a fundamental component of LC-MS analysis, influencing analyte separation, ionization, chromatographic resolution, sensitivity and overall method performance.

Common Background Contamination Ions in Mass Spectrometry
With this poster, dive into the world of mass spectrometry troubleshooting, and discover detailed tables listing the accurate mass of elements, organic solvents and potential contaminant ions.

A Breakthrough in mRNA Therapy Development
Obtaining enough synthetic mRNA for clinical use has long been a hurdle in treating conditions like cancer and infectious diseases.. Current mRNA production methods involve complex purification steps and chemicals, limiting large-scale manufacturing.

AAV Purification Techniques To Advance Gene Therapy
This poster highlights several methods by which the downstream purification of viral vectors can be improved using chromatography methods to analyse and purify multiple AAV serotypes.