Trending News

Researchers Develop World’s First Anode-Free Sodium Solid-State Battery
This research has brought inexpensive, fast-charging, high-capacity batteries for electric vehicles and grid storage closer than ever.

Scientists Capture a Key Step in Gene Transcription for the First Time
A new study has described E. coli RNAP in the act of opening the transcription bubble. The findings, captured within 500 milliseconds of RNAP mixing with DNA, shed light on fundamental mechanisms of transcription.

Mobile Phone Data Could Help Prevent Future Superbug Outbreaks
Combining a pathogen's genomic DNA with human travel patterns from anonymized mobile phone data provides a new way to prevent superbug outbreaks.

How the Brain Signals for Extra Energy
A key mechanism that detects when the brain needs an additional energy boost to support its activity has been identified in a study in mice and cells led by UCL scientists.

Highly Infectious Avian Flu Is Inactive in Pasteurized Milk Products
Pasteurization of milk products destroys highly pathogenic avian flu, eliminating risks posed to consumers.

New Insights Into the Evolution of Foldable Proteins
New research offers insights into the extensive relationship between exons in protein structures and the evolution of foldability.

Language Is a Tool for Communication, Not for Thought, MIT Researchers Argue
Drawing on evidence from neurobiology, cognitive science and corpus linguistics, MIT researchers make the case that language is a tool for communication, not for thought.

Mushroom Enthusiasts Discover Two New Psilocybe Species
Fungi aficionados have reason to rejoice, as two new species of Psilocybe mushrooms – best known for their psychoactive properties – have been discovered in South Africa.

Targeting an Ancient Biological Stress Response Could Help Prevent Hair Loss
Activation of an ancient biological stress response has been linked to a proliferative block in the human hair follicle. Researchers suggest that targeting this stress response could be used to help maintain hair follicles and treat hair loss.