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Professor Ulf Landegren: Why It’s Interesting To Read Out In Situ Proximixity Ligation Assays in 3D
In a recent video interview, Professor Ulf Landegren explained why it’s interesting to read out in situ proximity ligation assays in 3D.
Professor Ulf Landegren Explains Why 3D Sequencing is Interesting
In a recent video interview, Professor Ulf Landegren shared his insights on why 3D sequencing is interesting.
Professor Ulf Landegren Discusses Developments in Spatial Biology
In a recent video interview, Professor Ulf Landegren shared his perspectives on developments in spatial biology.
Explore How To Publish Detailed Research Without Constraints
Learn about Open Access Publishing and the new publishing platform Octopus in our latest episode of Teach Me in 10.
How Automated Protein Analysis Leads to Reliable Results
In this Teach Me in 10, Heather James speaks with Dr. Kyle Luttgeharm, a Senior Product Manager with Agilent Technologies, about their new ProteoAnalyzer system.
Reveal the Power of the 6-Base Genome for Transformative Insights Into Current and Future States of Disease
In this episode we speak with Tom Charlesworth and discuss how the 6-base genome can improve the understanding tumour biology from liquid biopsy.
Connect the components of your lab’s qPCR system in one single, easy-to-use solution | Diomni Software
Applied Biosystems Diomni Enterprise Software is an on-premise workflow solution that connects all steps in your real-time PCR (qPCR) test development and routine testing workflows with one single ecosystem. Streamline efficiency from samples to insights. Experience one solution to power all steps in your qPCR workflow.
Challenging Women’s Fitness Advice Around the Menstrual Cycle
A review by scientists from McMaster University, Manchester Metropolitan University and the Australian Catholic University finds little evidence supporting advice on women's diet, training and supplements during the menstrual cycles.
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Your Weekly Science News Roundup
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