Lab Sustainability: Embracing Environmentally Friendly Science
Published: June 26, 2024

Credit: Technology Networks
Laboratories are resource-intensive, using large amounts of energy, water, chemicals and single-use plastics. As global awareness of environmental impact grows, scientists are eager to integrate sustainability into their research workflows. Yet navigating the shift towards sustainable practices can be daunting.
Through a selection of expert articles, helpful guides, insightful interviews and striking graphics, this eBook offers readers a comprehensive look at lab sustainability.
Download this eBook to:
- Explore the latest advancements in sustainability research
- Learn from labs that have prioritized sustainability successfully
- Gain practical insights on how to adopt sustainable practices
Lab Sustainability:
Embracing Environmentally
Friendly Science
Redefining Lab Practices
To Prioritize Sustainability
How To Make Your Lab
More Sustainable
Recent Developments in
Sustainability Research
Credit: iStock
Lab Sustainability: A Holistic Approach 5
Redefining Lab Practices To Prioritize Sustainability 8
How To Make Your Lab More Sustainable 12
Recent Developments in Sustainability Research 16
Integrating Sustainability Into the Lab With Martin Farley 18
Lab Sustainability Infographic 20
Biotech and Pharma’s Carbon Impact: Insights From My Green Lab 21
Inspiring Scientists To Implement Sustainability in the Lab 24
Lab Sustainability
As the scientific community increasingly acknowledges its environmental
footprint, laboratories are rethinking their traditional roles and responsibilities, moving towards more sustainable operations that not only reduce
resource consumption but also inspire wider changes within the research
sector. By bridging the gap between high-level sustainability goals and practical lab-level actions, researchers can make measurable contributions to
environmental sustainability.
Through a selection of expert articles, helpful guides, insightful interviews
and striking graphics, this eBook offers readers a comprehensive look at
lab sustainability.
It provides actionable insights into how lab managers and bench scientists
can optimize their practices to contribute to a more sustainable future ‒ from
reducing energy and water consumption, embracing digital transformations
and implementing recycling programs.
Visit: to discover more.
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Lab Sustainability:
A Holistic Approach
Srividya Kailasam, PhD
Laboratories are complex spaces that cater to different
disciplines and are designed to carry out activities ranging
from wet chemical reactions and microbiological studies
to analysis using sophisticated instruments. They may
be operated as independent commercial establishments
(e.g., testing labs), or they could be part of educational
or research institutions, companies and hospitals. Given
this diversity, the need for heating and cooling, and the
presence of energy-intensive instruments, it is hardly
surprising that labs consume inordinate amounts of
resources and generate large volumes of waste. These
could be both solid and liquid and possibly infectious.
In the past few years, there has been an increasing
awareness of the environmental footprint of labs and a
growing trend toward “sustainable laboratories”.1
scientific community has started to focus on areas that
make labs sustainable. In a study published in 2022, My
Green Lab and Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE),
identified that many pharma and biotech companies have
adopted zero carbon goals.
In this listicle, we explore how a holistic approach that
includes optimal lab design, environmentally friendly
equipment and instrumentation, and awareness about
the impact of labs, coupled with training and adoption of
sustainable practices, is required to make labs “green”.
Lab design
A laboratory’s design can have a vast impact on its
sustainability. Careful consideration when building,
setting up or renovating a laboratory can help to reduce
wastage and lead to improved energy efficiency.
A lab should be designed to increase the amount of
natural lighting and energy-efficient artificial lighting
should be used as a supplement to the daylight.
Increasing natural lighting is known to not only improve
productivity, but also save costs. A white or nearly white
ceiling is recommended for the proper distribution of
natural lighting. Dark bench tops and reagent shelves that
make the room seem darker must be avoided.
While a well-lit, air-conditioned lab is essential for
the proper running of sophisticated instruments, it is
important to turn off the lights and air conditioning when
the instruments are not in use. To ensure compliance,
team members can take turns switching off the lights
and equipment not in use. Regular light bulbs can be
replaced with LED bulbs. Temperature control can also
be achieved using chilled beams.
When designing a sustainable lab, factors such as its
size, layout and infrastructure flexibility must be borne
in mind to minimize energy consumption and adapt
to future technological changes. The use of modular
and reconfigurable furniture also helps in creating a
sustainable lab. Biosafety labs must ensure unidirectional
flow of materials and personnel and incorporate controls
such as negative pressure zones and airtight doors and
windows to prevent highly infectious pathogens from
escaping into surrounding areas. Since all materials
entering a biosafety level 3 lab (BSL3) are considered
Lab Sustainability
Credit: iStock
Lab Sustainability
biohazardous, minimizing the materials (paper, media
bottles, plastics, etc.) brought into biosafety labs will
reduce the necessity to autoclave and/or dispose of these
materials that could otherwise be reused.
Several resources are available to help with planning the
creation of a sustainable lab. For example, a strategic
design framework, Green Lab, has been developed to
help create labs with minimal environmental impact
using recycled materials. These labs should be capable of
generating energy from renewable sources.2
Involving a wide range of stakeholders, applying the
highest possible sustainability standards and balancing
lab sustainability goals with the health and safety of
personnel are suggested as the three keys to designing a
sustainable lab.3
Labs depend on a huge variety of equipment, and careful
consideration during its purchase, use and disposal is
crucial in ensuring sustainability goals are met.
When upgrading or replacing existing instruments,
certified environmentally friendly options, such as
those with ENERGY STAR® and ACT (Accountability,
Consistency and Transparency) labels, should be
purchased. The Environmental Impact Factor (EIF)
criteria form the basis of creating the labels for life science
products. These labels provide scores for parameters such
as renewable energy used during manufacture, water
consumed during use and sustainability impact at the
end-of-life stage. Lower overall score indicates lesser
overall environmental impact. In addition, My Green
Lab certification helps the labs get their sustainability
practices audited.
Choosing models that consume fewer resources,
including energy and solvents, helps to reduce the
environmental impact. For instance, smaller autoclaves
with more efficient vacuum generation systems consume
less water and can be used instead of a larger model.
Periodic maintenance of all lab equipment and
instruments must be carried out to ensure optimal
performance and energy efficiency. Keeping incubators,
freezers, refrigerators and cold rooms clean and frost-free
will make them more energy efficient and will increase
the lifespan of these products.
When possible, refurbished instruments can be used to
minimize the build-up of hazardous substances and other
products that cannot be recycled in the environment.
Manufacturers are increasingly investing in building
a circular economy for their instruments, offering
incentives for labs to return their old equipment, which
can be refurbished and sold on.
Laboratories can contain a wide range of energy-intensive
equipment that often requires continuous operation.
Subsequently, compared to office buildings, they typically
consume 5 to 10 times more energy per square foot.
Coupled with this, many processes depend on singleuse plastics and use vast amounts of water. Although it is
challenging for laboratories to try to match the resource
consumption and waste output of a space with such
different needs, several steps can be taken to improve their
operational efficiency.
Instruments such as chromatographs, mass spectrometers
and spectroscopes can be shut down when not in use.
Similarly, other equipment such as pH meters, balances,
centrifuges and water baths can also be turned off when
not in use. Equipment that doesn’t require continuous
use can be fitted with programmable outlet timers, which
could help to reduce equipment energy consumption by up
to 50%.
When in use, the sash of fume hoods should be kept in the
lowest possible position to improve exhaust efficiency and
thus save energy. Energy can also be saved by lowering
the airflow volume when the fume hoods are not in use.
When possible, ductless hoods that filter contaminated
air before recirculating it can be used. Operating ultralow temperature freezers at -70 °C instead of -80 °C saves
energy without being detrimental to the samples.
Labs should reduce, recycle and reuse plastic products
whenever possible. Consolidating orders for plastic
ware, glassware and chemicals for the different projects/
experiments running in the lab or for multiple labs, buying
smaller pack sizes or buying just pipette tips instead of
boxed tips can reduce the plastic waste in the lab.
Routine lab activities such as filtration, which is an integral
part of sample preparation, generates plastic waste such as
single-use syringes and filter cartridges. These and other
plastic wastes, such as pipette tips, tip boxes, syringes,
tubes and nitrile gloves, can be recycled instead of sending
them to landfills or incineration. When recycling, care
should be taken to disinfect biowastes and segregate these
along with other hazardous wastes from recyclable, nonhazardous plastic wastes. A lab case report documented
various approaches, such as reusing decontaminated plastic
tubes and using sustainable materials like reusable wooden
sticks for patch plating and metal loops for inoculation
that helped reduce and reuse single-use plastics in a
microbiology lab. After implementing these strategies, the
lab demonstrated a 43 kg reduction in plastic waste in 4
Lab Sustainability
weeks, in addition to reducing costs.4
A report from MIT
demonstrates the feasibility of recycling clean lab plastics,
stating that the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
office collected nearly 280 pounds of plastic waste from
participating labs every week in 2022 for recycling.
To minimize water consumption, taps and other water
outlets can be fitted with spray nozzles or low-flow
aerators, and recirculating water baths used for cooling
reactions that can be carried out on a smaller scale. To
reduce water wastage, leakage from faucets, autoclaves,
water baths and any seepage from water pipes should be
attended to as soon as possible. Washing and autoclaving
should be done with minimal wastage of water. Scientists,
students and lab personnel should cooperate to ensure that
autoclaves are run at full capacity to reduce water as well as
energy consumption.
Less hazardous substitutes for chemicals and cleaning
supplies should be used whenever possible. Labs
and workspaces must be kept clean to prevent crosscontamination that leads to wastage. Simple actions like
proper labeling and storage of chemicals will enhance their
shelf-life and proper usage.
Experiments should be designed to derive maximum
information with minimum consumption of resources as
well as minimum waste generation. This will also reduce
the number of experiments and eliminate erroneous
experiments. Replacing paper-based lab notebooks,
operating procedures and test protocols with electronic
records will help minimize paper consumption. Computers
and other office equipment can be turned off when not
in use.
Educating stakeholders on the importance of sustainability
is a crucial requirement for achieving a green laboratory.
In addition to training the scientists on guidelines
and regulations, they must be sensitized towards the
ecological impact of indiscriminate usage of chemicals,
glassware, plastic ware and consumption of resources,
especially electricity and consequent generation of waste
in the laboratories.
The importance of education and capacity building in
“green chemistry” and “sustainable chemistry” for creating
greener and more sustainable processes has been described
by Zuin et al.5
Sustainability in Quality Improvement
(SusQI), developed by The Centre for Sustainable
Healthcare (CSH) adopts principles of Education for
Sustainable Development (ESD) such as “future thinking”
and “systems thinking” and “thinking creatively” in the
training programs for clinical laboratory professionals.6
Several resources are available online for learning and
disseminating information regarding lab sustainability.
LEAF or Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework,
an independent standard for good environmental practice
in labs designed by University College London, provides
training, a toolkit, resources and strategies for improving
the sustainability and efficiency of labs.
As behavioral changes take time, training on lab
sustainability must be augmented with monitoring,
reminders and encouragement to implement practices
that will lead to smaller carbon footprints. Educational
institutions have started initiatives such as “Unplug”
and “Shut the Sash” competitions to encourage lab users
to adopt energy-saving practices. In the “Sustainable
Laboratories” report published by the Royal Society of
Chemistry, recognizing and rewarding initiatives and
actions that promote sustainability in the labs has been
listed as the first plan of action along with providing
resources, funds and advocating for change.
Leaders can make a difference by setting the right goals
and performance indicators on sustainability, encouraging
collaboration and, most importantly, walking the talk.
The “Green Labs Guide” published by the University
of Pennsylvania and sustainable research practices on
Princeton University’s EHS website provide a number
of strategies and checklists that can help lab managers to
make their labs sustainable.
Sustainability in a lab should become a way of life.
It will not only reduce the environmental impact, but
also save money in the longer term, offsetting the initial
investments for achieving sustainability. A “green lab”
should be the collective responsibility of all the team
members. A well designed and well maintained lab
also contributes to higher efficiency and productivity.
Awareness and taking simple steps can go a long way in
improving lab sustainability.
1. Durgan J, et al. Immunol Cell Biol. 2023;101(4):289-301.
2. Belibani R, et al. Progress in Sustainable Energy
Technologies Vol II. 2014:273-283.
3. Hersh E. Harvard School of Public Health. Three keys to
sustainable lab design to improve health and safety. 2019.
4. Alves J, et al. Access Microbiol. 2021;3(3):000173.
5. Zuin V, et al. Green Chem. 2021;23:1594-1608.
6. Scott S. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2023;61(4):638-641.
Lab Sustainability
Redefining Lab Practices To
Prioritize Sustainability
Laura Lansdowne
Scientists around the world are becoming increasingly
conscious of the environmental impact of their research;
however, the path to adopting sustainable practices can
be complex.
While some scientists may be uncertain about how to
initiate or prioritize changes to counteract this footprint,
others may not fully appreciate the broader advantages of
implementing such changes.
Challenges such as a lack of understanding, insufficient
accountability among staff, and a need for more
encouragement and support can hinder progress.
Addressing these barriers is key to fostering a culture
where sustainable practices are the norm – not the
In this article, we explore ways scientists can adapt their
day-to-day practices to reduce the environmental footprint
of their labs. We also highlight expert advice, initiatives
and case studies that support these changes and showcase
their effectiveness.
Practical steps towards a sustainable lab
Laboratories typically use 5 to 10 times more energy
per square meter compared to office spaces – with fume
hoods and ultra-low-temperature freezers being two
main energy-intensive culprits commonly found in labs.
While scientists may not be aware of the energy and water
usage that their research warrants, they are likely to
notice their consumption of materials, such as single-use
plastics in biological labs. It is estimated that laboratories
worldwide generate approximately 5.5 million metric
tons of plastic waste each year – the equivalent of filling
67 cruise liners.
The University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) Green
Labs Program, founded by Kathryn Ramirez-Aguilar in
2009, has found ways to effectively engage scientists and
lab personnel in sustainable practices.
“While I was working in labs, I began to wonder if my
research was truly helping more than it was hurting
because of the large resource consumption. For the
most part… solutions had not yet been developed to help
researchers take action to reduce the environmental
footprint of their research. I left the lab bench and gained
the support of CU Boulder to start the program to try to
address this issue,” said Ramirez-Aguilar.
The CU Boulder Green Labs Program aims to reduce
the consumption of multiple resources, including
energy, water, materials and hazardous chemicals in the
university’s laboratories. It also advocates for the efficient
and effective use of research equipment and lab space.
“Over the years, scientists have repeatedly expressed
interest in diverting their waste streams from the
landfill,” noted Ramirez-Aguilar. Given that this area has
garnered a lot of interest from researchers, it has fueled
the demand for eco-friendly plastic labware which some
companies are stepping up to try to address.
Credit: iStock
Lab Sustainability
Since the beginning, the CU Boulder Green Labs
Program has also focused on enabling discussions
with scientists on other key topics related to efficiency,
including energy and water savings, and in more recent
years, efforts have included the benefits of sharing
equipment and the importance of optimized use of
laboratory space.
Sharing instruments saves resources
“When scientists choose to share research equipment
between labs then there are fewer instruments to
purchase and maintain with research funding, thus
saving researchers’ money. At the same time, less
electricity is consumed and it’s a more efficient use of
lab space ‒ which is expensive space to build and
particularly energy-intensive because of ventilation
needs,” said Ramirez-Aguilar.
She continues: “If facilities with directors are set up to
manage the shared research equipment and users, then
there is also significant time savings (which also equates
to financial savings) and other benefits to be realized by
researchers because now there is a knowledgeable director
to help researchers with training and troubleshooting
In 2018, CU Boulder launched the BioCore Facility to
streamline laboratory equipment sharing for three science
departments on the campus. The program manages 90
shared pieces of equipment and over 60 researchers are
utilizing the services across 18 laboratories. Since the
program began, it has led to savings of approximately
USD 3 million, attributed to the sharing and redistribution
of resources.
Many other universities and research institutes have
implemented similar initiatives. For example, the
University of Cambridge’s Equipment Sharing Project
allows members of staff and students to share > 4,000
items across various universities, including the University
of Oxford, Imperial College London, University College
London and the University of Southampton.
Identifying quick wins to cut emissions
Lisa O’Fee, sustainability advisor at The Institute of
Cancer Research (ICR), reiterates the importance of
initiatives similar to those implemented at UC Boulder.
She is working to embed sustainability in everything the
ICR does, in its mission to “defeat cancer”. Launched
in December 2022, the ICR sustainability action plan
“Sustainable Discoveries” sets out how the ICR will
respond to the environmental crises we face such as
• Improves energy efficiency by
using less equipment
• Attracts new talent and
allows researchers to access
equipment faster
• Avoids duplicate purchases of
• Researchers gain access to
core facility experts
• Efficient use of laboratory
space through sharing
• Enhances scientific rigor
and reproducibility
• Improves safety institutewide by ensuring consistent
and expert training of staff
• Resiliency in emergencies
• Compliance with regulations
• Facilitates the conscientious
utilization of taxpayer and
sponsor funds
• Advances equity through inclusive
• Enhances research efforts
• Enables universities and/or institutes
to house the latest technologies
Cost Avoidance Compliance,
Ethics & Risk
• Expands research capabilities and
grant opportunities
• Encourages industry collaboration
and external equipment users
Figure 1: Key reasons why managed, shared research equipment benefits institutions. Adapted from a figure created by CU Boulder.
Credit:: Technology Networks
Lab Sustainability
climate change and biodiversity loss. ICR is committed to
achieving net zero by 2040, with an interim reduction of
42% in carbon emissions by 2030.
She describes some “quick wins” to reduce energy and
carbon emissions: “Waste audits can identify if the
correct waste segregation process is being adhered to and
raise awareness. It’s important to look for opportunities
for improvement, for example, new recycling routes
and improved signage/training of staff. Sustainable
procurement training equips scientists with the knowledge
to select sustainable products – those that can be reused,
recycled, or are manufactured from recycled content.”
Energy monitoring to identify pieces of equipment that
consume the highest amount of power is good to raise
awareness and reinforce switching off if applicable. “Traffic
light-coded switch-off stickers are also a good way to
prompt scientists,” noted O’Fee.
She highlights one of the two energy-intensive culprits
mentioned above – the ultra-low temperature freezer:
“Good practice in cold temperature storage is key to
reducing energy consumption within the lab.”
Programs like the International Laboratory Freezer
Challenge promote optimal use and upkeep of cold storage
equipment. This contest, organized by two nonprofit
entities – the International Institute for Sustainable
Laboratories (I2SL), where Ramirez-Aguilar serves on the
board, and My Green Lab – is free to enter and is designed
to encourage laboratories to adopt best practices. Labs
are scored on areas including preventative maintenance,
materials management, temperature tuning, retirements
and upgrades, and cutting-edge practices.
The 2023 Freezer Challenge, in which almost 2,000 labs
participated worldwide, resulted in an energy saving of
20.7 million kWh, equivalent to approximately 14,663
metric tons of CO2
, which is over twice the CO2
achieved in the previous year’s challenge. Based on
the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, this amount
is equivalent to offsetting greenhouse gas emissions from
driving 36.9 million miles in an average gasoline-powered
passenger vehicle or the annual CO2
emissions from 2,854
homes’ electricity use.
Calculating carbon emissions
Laboratories consume a significant amount of energy, so
decreasing energy consumption can lead to proportional
reductions in CO2
emissions. But, considering the
diverse range of emissions associated with equipment,
consumables and supply chain activities (Figure 2), it can
be difficult to know how best to calculate, assess and alter a
lab’s carbon footprint.
“It is much easier to calculate carbon emissions from
Scope 1 and 2. Scope 3 emissions that are associated
with purchased goods and services are more difficult to
calculate and for the most part are calculated on a spend
basis. A hybrid methodology is a much more accurate
way to calculate emissions for the majority of Scope 3,”
explained O’Fee.
Direct Emissions
These emissions are direct
greenhouse gas emissions
from laboratory operations.
Indirect Carbon Emissions
Scope 2 emissions are indirect
emissions associated with
purchased energy (e.g., electricity)
consumed by the research facility
(i.e., university or institute).
Other Indirect Emissions
Emissions that are a
consequence of the (upstream
or downstream) activities of
the research facility and occur
from sources not owned or
controlled by it.
(e.g., emissions associated with
travel, procurement, waste,
final products and services).
Scope 1 Scope 2
Scope 3
Figure 2: Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
Credit:: Technology Networks
Lab Sustainability
Resources, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s
Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions, are
designed to help facilities evaluate their Scope 3 emissions.
Adopting a life cycle thinking approach to lab
While sharing and maintaining equipment is important,
when it’s time to replace instruments, it’s vital to consider
how energy-efficient they are. O’Fee believes researchers
shouldn’t be afraid to engage with equipment suppliers
and challenge them about the sustainability practices
associated with their products.
She offers the following advice: “You could put together
a sustainable supplier list and an accompanying
questionnaire for the suppliers, requesting information
on their carbon emission data, responsible procurement
policy, and if they have any procurement framework or
standard that they work to, for instance, EcoVadis or ISO
20400. Increasingly suppliers of lab consumables like
plastics are giving information as to the type of plastic and
amount within a product.” Using the associated emission
factors, it is therefore possible to calculate the amount of
carbon emitted.
There are clear connections between resource use
efficiency in scientific research and cost savings or cost
avoidance. Financial benefits can be achieved for both
researchers and institutions.
“If lab members are buying more energy-efficient
equipment or conducting their research in a way that
reduces the use of energy or water, then there will be less
energy and water consumption for the institutions to pay
for,” noted Ramirez-Aguilar.
The CU Boulder Green Labs Program works with scientists
on financial incentives. Funding can be applied towards
the cost of research equipment purchases if efficient
equipment options exist and if lab members are selecting
efficient equipment.
Ramirez-Aguilar elaborates: “We have been able to obtain
funding to contribute toward the purchase of top energyefficient ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers and energyefficient biosafety cabinets, the addition of eco-modes to
glove boxes and the purchase of waterless condensers to
use in chemical synthesis.”
Useful Resources
• Million Advocates for Sustainable Science
• Freezer Challenge
• International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories Best
• International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories
Working Groups
• International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories
Sustainable Lab Awards
• My Green Lab
• Greenhouse Gas Protocol Technical Guidance for
Calculating Scope 3 Emissions
About the interviewees:
Kathryn Ramirez-Aguilar completed her PhD in analytical
chemistry in 1999. She gained 15 years of research experience
before shifting her focus away from the bench, dedicating her
efforts toward enhancing the environmental sustainability of
scientific research and addressing its influence on climate change
more broadly. As well as managing the CU Green Labs Program
at the University of Colorado Boulder, she serves on the board of
the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL), acts
as chair of the I2SL University Alliance Group (UAG), and heads
the Bringing Efficiency to Research Grants initiative under the
I2SL UAG, aiming to integrate efficiency and sustainability into US
research funding.
Lisa O’Fee, a biochemist specializing in drug discovery with
a focus on oncology, has been part of the Institute of Cancer
Research (ICR) since 2013. In 2023, Lisa transitioned from the
ICR’s Division of Cancer Therapeutics to assume the role of
sustainability advisor at the institute. In her new capacity, she
has been pivotal in developing and implementing the institute’s
sustainability strategy. She coordinates several sustainability
initiatives at the ICR, including the freezer challenge and My Green
Lab certification for the laboratories.
Credit: iStock
How To Make Your Lab
More Sustainable
Charlotte Houghton, PhD
Laboratories are essential to support life-enhancing
research across a broad range of disciplines, including
pharmaceuticals, life science research and, increasingly,
computational research. However, to limit global
warming to 1.5 °C, a key target agreed in the Paris Climate
Agreement in 2015, all industries need to reduce their
carbon emissions and lower their wider environmental
impact. Laboratories have intense energy and water
operations and can have high “scope 3” emissions due to
the equipment, consumables and associated supply chain.
There is a growing global community of sustainable
laboratory professionals that offers support and guidance
in relation to the seemingly large challenge of reducing
laboratories’ carbon footprints. This network, along with
local programs and related resources, gives laboratories
a starting point along with quick actions that can be
implemented to increase the sustainability of their
operations without impacting research output and quality.
In this guide, we highlight some of the priority areas for
laboratories and the associated actions that can be taken.
Calculate your laboratory’s carbon footprint
As with any scientific endeavor, establishing a baseline
is an essential starting point. This gives you quantifiable
data on the emissions generated by your laboratory
to help identify and target actions for prioritization.
Ideally, you would calculate your carbon footprint before
implementing any changes and then recalculate your
emissions to show the decrease you have achieved. There
are a few options to help you calculate it, with the caveat
that these are estimates.
There are free online resources that can be used; Labos
1point5 allows you to estimate the carbon footprint of a
research laboratory. The caveat here is that this is intended
for French public research and the carbon emissions
factors will be different to other countries. There is
also the Laboratory Benchmarking Tool created by the
International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL)
that allows you to see your carbon emissions in relation
to other laboratories of the same size. For computational
research, the Green Algorithms calculator gives an
estimate for each computation your lab carries out and
some tips on how to reduce these emissions.
Optimize your purchasing towards
Ensure your purchasing processes have sustainability
embedded at every step to improve the sustainability of
your laboratory across multiple areas, including energy
and waste. One of the most important actions is to confirm
you have an up-to-date inventory of chemicals, equipment
and consumables. Keeping track of everything means you
will only order what you need and also allows you to bulk
buy, reducing the number of deliveries. Create a list of
orders and order at a specific time of the month or week to
consolidate the number of orders. This will further reduce
deliveries and their associated emissions.
Lab Sustainability
Lab Sustainability
For equipment, you should ask suppliers to provide you
with life cycle assessments or, as a minimum, the energy/
water/gas/consumables information so you can make the
most sustainable choice. Choosing the equipment with
the lowest energy consumption and lowest consumable
requirement will lower the emissions over the lifetime of
the equipment and save your lab money!
For consumables, select suppliers that:
• Have reduced packaging options
• Use packaging that can be reused or recycled
• Offer take-back schemes for packaging or
product recycling.
This will not only result in more sustainable procurement
but reduce the waste produced by your lab.
Reduce energy consumption
Once you have bought your laboratory equipment, you can
take simple steps to ensure it uses the minimum energy
possible during its day-to-day use and across its lifetime.
Up to 25% of your laboratory’s energy consumption comes
from benchtop equipment that is left plugged in and
powered up, even when not required. Regular maintenance
of equipment will improve its lifespan and efficiency; most
suppliers should be able to provide a maintenance contract
alongside the purchase.
It might sound obvious, but make sure you switch off
equipment when not in use. Place reminders on plug
sockets and/or use timer switches for non-sensitive pieces
of equipment.
Fume hoods can use up to 3–4 households’ worth of
energy per day, and although they are required to operate
24/7, shutting the sash when not in use can reduce energy
consumption by 30–50%.2
Stickers can be added to units to
remind users to shut the sash or automatic sash closers can
be installed.
Optimizing the temperatures of your cold storage
equipment is also an important energy-saving action.
Ensure fridges are running at the correct temperature,
and not lower, to reduce the energy used. For ultra-low
temperature freezers, consider raising the temperature
from −80 °C to −70 °C, as this can result in a 20–30%
energy saving depending on the age of the unit.3
Manage water consumption
Water is a precious natural resource that needs to be
conserved and used as efficiently as possible. Within a
laboratory environment, large amounts of water can be
used in day-to-day processes due to high-quality water
requirements, single pass cooling for equipment and
cleaning. But, with the tips below, this can be reduced.
The use of steam baths and water baths is essential in
certain labs but there are steps you can take to reduce the
water required. Where possible, replace steam baths with
heating blocks, to remove the water requirement entirely,
as they generally use less energy. For water baths, ensure a
lid is used during operation, or invest in beads that remove
the need for water. Another high-use activity is cleaning
glassware; your processes should be reviewed to ensure
the minimum volume is used. Consider soaking glassware
rather than rinsing under a running a tap as a first step
during cleaning.
Audit your waste
Laboratories produce a huge amount of waste, ranging
from general waste and recyclable waste to hazardous
solid and liquid waste. Disposing of waste responsibly will
drastically reduce your laboratory’s indirect emissions and
possibly save money on disposal costs! The first thing to do
is to audit your waste to assess how much of each category
you are producing on a weekly basis.
Once you know how much waste you produce, and what
type it is, you can then look to increase how much you
recycle through your already established recycling routes.
Research whether your lab can swap single-use plastics
for glass alternatives for non-critical processes (e.g.,
Petri dishes and pipettes) to reduce the waste produced.
Some single-use plastics, such as bottles for buffers or
falcon tubes, can be decontaminated and reused before
they are disposed of. For solid and liquid chemical waste,
implementing green chemistry principles such as reducing
experiment size or choosing less hazardous alternatives
will reduce the amount of hazardous waste produced and
will reduce the emissions related to disposal.
Increase engagement with sustainability
One vital step towards increasing the sustainability of
your laboratory, and ultimately reducing your carbon
emissions, is to make sure every lab user is engaged with
the sustainability actions you are implementing. This
ensures that sustainability becomes embedded into the
culture of the laboratory, just as health and safety is, and
that it is not solely one person’s responsibility to implement
these actions.
Sign your laboratory up to a certification program such
as LEAF4
or My Green Lab5
to give you more actions to
implement. This can also be used as an engagement tool for
other lab members and across your organization. Creating
a community of like-minded individuals will help keep up
Lab Sustainability
the motivation for sustainable actions and allow sharing
of best practices. This can be achieved through regular
sustainability coffee mornings or by circulating newsletters
highlighting progress.
Finding ways to reduce your laboratory’s carbon emissions
may initially seem daunting, but, as this guide has
highlighted, there are lots of simple steps you can take
to make an impact. Small actions add up to a large
reduction over time. None of these changes will impact
the research quality or output of your lab, meaning your
research still takes priority but it can be achieved in a more
sustainable way.
1. United Nations Climate Change. The Paris Agreement. 2015.
2. O’Neil NJ, et al. J Chem Educ. 2020;98(1):84-91.
3. May M. Science. 2016;352(6285):614-616.
4. UCL. LEAF - Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework. 2022.
5. My Green Lab certification. 2023.
Learn more at
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Lab Sustainability
Recent Developments in
Sustainability Research
Kate Robinson
To help fight the climate crisis, it is vital to address the
sustainability of our practices, tools and workspaces.
Scientists across the globe are adopting innovative
strategies and solutions to incorporate sustainability in
their research journey.
Here, we take a look at some recent developments in
sustainability research, from innovations in renewable
energy to the development of biodegradable materials.
Researchers Develop Bioplastic From
Eggshells as Sustainable Alternative to Plastic
Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan have
created a plastic-like material that could absorb excess
nutrients from water and be used as a fertilizer when
it decomposes.
Phosphate is an essential nutrient commonly used in
fertilizers. However, an excess of phosphate in water
sources can lead to increased growth of blue green algae,
which can release toxins harmful to humans and animals.
Phosphate is a non-renewable resource obtained through
mining. The limited supply of phosphate minerals can be
depleted when it leaches into water sources.
The newly developed “bioplastic” material is composed
of a biocomposite pellet that contains a marine
polysaccharide, eggshells and wheat straw. The pellet
absorbs phosphate from water sources and can then be
used as a fertilizer source for agricultural applications.
The pellet is also an alternative to products that use
plastic coatings to deliver fertilizer to agricultural land,
eventually becoming microplastic pollution.
“If you placed a plastic margarine container into
your backyard and bury it, it might be there for
50 years or more until it starts to crumble apart.
But it’s those small particles that are harmful to
human health. With bioplastics, you can avoid all
of that and you basically get something that breaks
down into its original components or can be more
readily composted or degraded through natural
processes.” said Dr. Lee Wilson, associate professor,
University of Saskatchewan.
Steiger B, et al. RSC Sustainability. 2024;2:1498-1507.
Engineering Bacteria To Produce Green
Chemicals From Methanol
Researchers at ETH Zurich have engineered bacteria
to efficiently use methanol in the production of “green”
The chemical industry relies heavily on fossil fuels to
produce various chemicals such as plastics, dyes or
artificial flavors.
Methanol is one of the simplest organic molecules and
can be synthesized from carbon dioxide and water. If the
energy for this synthesis reaction comes from renewable
sources, the methanol is termed “green”.
A team from ETH Zurich has been focused on the idea of
equipping Escherichia coli with the ability to metabolize
methanol for several years. The researchers removed two
genes and added three, allowing the E.coli to take up
methanol, but only in small quantities.
Lab Sustainability
After over a year and around 1,000 further generations, the
bacteria became increasingly efficient in using methanol.
To explore the potential of synthetic methylotrophs
– bacteria that feed on methanol – to produce bulk
chemicals, the team equipped the bacteria with additional
genes for four different biosynthetic pathways. In their
study, published in Nature Catalysis, they showed that the
bacteria produced the desired compounds in all cases.
“Given the challenges of climate change, it is clear
that alternatives to fossil resources are needed.
We are developing a technology that does not
emit additional CO2 into the atmosphere.” said
Dr. Michael Reiter, postdoctoral researcher at
ETH Zurich.
Reiter MA, et al. Nature Catalysis. 2024.
Trash To Treasure: Researchers Turn Metal
Waste Into Catalyst for Green Hydrogen
According to research published in the Journal of Material
Chemistry A of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a metal
machining byproduct could be an efficient electrocatalyst that
can split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
Hydrogen is a clean fuel, with its combustion only producing
water vapor. Electrolysis is one of the most promising green
pathways for hydrogen production, but the process requires
rare and expensive catalysts.
With the limited global supply and increasing prices of
precious metals, there is an urgent need for alternative
electrocatalyst materials.
Using a scanning electron microscope, the researchers were
able to inspect the surfaces of stainless steel, titanium and
nickel alloy swarf (fine chips or filings of material produced
by machining). They discovered that the surfaces had grooves
and ridges tens of nanometres wide.
The team then used magnetron sputtering to create a
platinum atom “rain” on the swarf’s surface, which allowed
them to produce hydrogen using only 10 percent of the
amount of platinum loading compared to commercial
“The electrocatalysts made from swarf have the
potential to greatly impact the economy. Our
unique technology developed at Nottingham, which
involves atom-by-atom growth of platinum particles
on nanotextured surfaces, has solved two major
challenges. Firstly, it enables the production of green
hydrogen using the least amount of precious metal
possible, and secondly, it upcycles metal waste
from the aerospace industry, all in a single process.”
said Andrei Khlobystov, professor of nanomaterials,
University of Nottingham.
Thangamuthu M, et al. J Mater Chem A. 2024.
Researchers Take Major Step Toward NextGeneration Solar Cells
In a new paper published in Nature Energy, researchers
have unveiled an innovative method to manufacture new
solar cells, known as perovskite cells.
The majority of solar panels are made from silicon, which
can only convert around 20 percent of the sun’s energy into
electricity. The production of silicon is also expensive and
energy intensive.
Perovskite is a synthetic semiconducting material with the
potential to convert substantially more solar power than
silicon at a lower production cost. Layering perovskite
solar cells on top of silicon cells could increase the
panels’ efficiency by over 50%. However, commercial
silicon panels can typically maintain at least 80% of their
performance after 25 years, but perovskite cells degrade
faster in the air.
In order to produce solar cells from perovskite, glass plates
must be coated with the semiconductor in a small box
filled with non-reactive gas to prevent the perovskites from
reacting with oxygen, which decreases their performance.
This becomes more difficult with larger glass plates.
By adding dimethylammonium formate (DMAFo) to the
perovskite solution before coating, the researchers were
able to prevent the materials from oxidizing, meaning
coating could take place in ambient air. The additive also
increased the cells’ stability.
“We’re still seeing rapid electrification, with more
cars running off electricity. We’re hoping to retire
more coal plants and eventually get rid of natural
gas plants. If you believe that we’re going to have
a fully renewable future, then you’re planning for
the wind and solar markets to expand by at least
five- ten fold from where it is today,” said Michael
McGehee, professor of chemical engineering and
materials science, University of Colorado Boulder.
Meng H, et al. Nat Energy. 2024.
Credit: iStock
Integrating Sustainability Into the
Lab With Martin Farley
Lucy Lawrence
Martin Farley, associate director of Environmental
Sustainability Programs at UK Research and Innovation
and director of Green Lab Associates, is an expert in lab
sustainability. He started a career in research, however
his personal and professional interest in sustainability led
him to take an alternate career path focused on making
labs more sustainable. He established the consultancy
Green Lab Associates to help researchers to reduce the
energy and resources they use in their workspace. He
also consults various institutions, helping them develop
greener practices.
Farley was invited to Technology Networks’ Ask Me
Anything session to answer your questions about the
future of sustainability in research and laboratory
Q: Is it ever possible for a lab to be
100% sustainable since there is so much
plastic waste?
A: We don’t know how to do net-zero science yet – we
don’t know how to achieve net zero for most things yet
– but we do know how to vastly mitigate the impacts. I
think that’s the way to look at it: while we don’t have all the
immediate solutions, we have a lot of immediate actions we
can take.
I don’t think science inherently will ever be absolutely net
zero, but that’s not to say that we should stop doing it.
Maybe it will be one day, a lot of it depends on our energy
sources and the energy mix, and there is a lot we know we
can do now.
Q: Could you explain what the lab efficiency
assessment framework (LEAF) is?
A: The best analogy is that if you want to make your lab
safe, you use a health and safety standard. You don’t start
from square one, you have a standard that’s set and gives
you actions and targets to adhere to. And that was the idea
behind LEAF – to give people a standard approach to
sustainability to make it more accessible. Laboratories that
sign up are given sustainability actions to work through
and, depending on the criteria that they meet, they are
certified with a bronze, silver or gold award. There are also
calculators within the tool that allow people to estimate
some of their carbon and financial impacts.
LEAF is intended to mimic what we’ve seen with gender
equality in science. It was mandated that if you wanted to
get funding, you had to achieve a certain level within the
Athena SWAN framework to make these changes happen
quickly. It was great that gender equality wasn’t made
voluntary, and I would argue that that’s something that we
need with sustainability now.
Q: What steps can a lab take to properly
manage e-waste generated from old
A: There’s planned obsolescence by a lot of the large
companies that provide equipment. But, if your IT
department will allow it, there are third party providers
that will take over contracts and warranties to extend their
lifetime. If a piece of equipment needs to go out the door,
then I would recommend looking at third parties who can
take the equipment and pass it on. In the UK, for example,
there’s providers such as UniGreenScheme.
Lab Sustainability
Lab Sustainability
Q: Are green labs more expensive to run?
A: This is a common feeling and concept, I would
disagree with it, but it depends. One of the challenges to
sustainability is our financial systems. Currently, our pots
of money are all spread in ways that work for accountants
but don’t work for sustainability.
Let’s take the reuse of consumables as an example.
Somebody’s going to have to pay for somebody’s time to
go and wash them, and you might see energy consumption
go up. However, in a university, that energy consumption
is paid by a separate department than the ones that pay
for the technician and the consumables, so that removes
some of the incentive. We assessed the costs of reusing
consumables. We showed that, overall, the cost of reuse
was comparable to single use, if not less, depending on
the consumable. The issue is how to incentivize it. Labs
often don’t pay for energy, so why should they pay for a
piece of equipment or take more time out of their very
busy lives to do something that will save energy if they
don’t see that incentive?
If we were to remove some of these financial barriers, we
would see that sustainability in labs is actually about using
equipment for a longer lifespan. You can’t buy your way
to sustainability, so it’s about reusing or repairing things
more, which overall should save money. It’s also about
sharing resources and making more data more accessible.
If we were to invest in better sharing of data systems, it’s
an upfront cost, but we get more out of the data in the long
term. For example, the brain banks across the UK use a
common sample management system, which means that
they’re all aware of each other’s samples. It is a wonderful
model but, currently, we haven’t put the incentives in the
right place to invest in these systems.
Another example I want to give is the grant system. If you
win a grant, there’s a limited time when you can spend it.
If you don’t spend it by the end of the year, the accountants
or department leads might take it back. Why haven’t we
figured out a system to incentivize underspend on grants?
There are a few wider systems that make it tough right now.
Financially, I would argue that overall, if we’re sharing our
resources appropriately, sustainable science would be so
much cheaper. There are a lot of examples, but it requires
looking at the system as a whole, which is sometimes
challenging on an individual basis with the way financial
systems are set up.
Q: What if we were to overlook sustainability
in the lab entirely?
A: Science is growing exponentially, at a much faster
rate than the global GDP. There’s the largest number of
scientists we’ve ever had, so the impact of it is growing
exponentially as well. We have to take part.
Most of the carbon impact we have is through the
consumption of materials, and it’s a whole chain:
the embodied carbon of where the material comes
from, the shipping, the manufacturing, the consumption,
the usage. I wouldn’t say that we can just ignore it.
We want to do more science that helps us understand how
to address climate change, but not all science is equal.
A lot of science enables climate change and enables
consumption, so consider the type of science you do long
term. Science is a tool, but it’s as good of a tool as we make
it. It can help us address climate change, or it can enable
it as well.
Martin Farley was speaking to Lucy Lawrence, Senior Digital
Content Producer for Technology Networks.
About the interviewee:
Martin Farley is the associate director of Environmental
Sustainability Programs at UK Research and Innovation. He
is experienced in methods to improve the sustainability and
efficiency of scientific research.
Fresh water should not be taken for granted and the more that is
used and flushed down the drain, the more there is to treat too.
Lab cleaning and sterilization processes can be particularly
water-heavy, often involving detergents and strong cleaning
agents that must be kept out of our water courses.
○ Only use purified or
sterilized water if you
really need it, while you
may not use less water,
it will save
on energy.
○ Use lab
glass and
and autoclaves at full
○ Keep your lab’s water
systems well maintained –
water is the most common
reagent used in the lab and
any contamination could
lead to experimental failures,
wasting time, samples and
○ Given the relatively large
number of sinks in most labs,
the water lost from dripping
taps can soon add up so get
them fixed.
Credit: iStock
Biotech and Pharma’s
Carbon Impact: Insights
From My Green Lab
Anna MacDonald
The biotech and pharma industry has a significant carbon
footprint – with total carbon emissions of 193 million
tCO2-e in 2022. The sector is also rapidly growing, with
an expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for
the global biotech market of 13.9% from 2023 to 2030.
Together, this makes improving our understanding of the
industry’s impact on climate change and working to reduce
its carbon emissions crucial to ensure global warming is
limited to the 1.5 °C target set by the Paris Agreement.
Using data provided by Intercontinental Exchange, My
Green Lab – a non-profit organization that aims to build a
global culture of sustainability in science – has produced
a report providing key insights into the current state of
the sector’s carbon emissions. As an update to My Green
Lab’s 2021 study, the report The Carbon Impact of Biotech
and Pharma: Collective Action Accelerating Progress to the
UN Race to Zero is based on data from 226 publicly listed
companies and 147 privately held companies.
“What this report does is it quantifies the total carbon
impact of the industry, looking across all three scopes, so
both up and down the value chain, as well as the emissions
controlled by the companies themselves,” James Connelly,
CEO of My Green Lab told Technology Networks. The
environmental impact of scientific research has historically
been somewhat ignored due to the importance attributed
to advances in areas such as medical treatments and
technical innovations Connelly explained, but the report
provides an overview of the industry’s carbon footprint
and identifies key opportunities for change.
Progress seen, but it’s not universal
Encouragingly, the report found that the largest companies
by revenue are making progress, with the top 25
companies reducing their annual Scope 1 and 2 emissions
by an average of 5.31% per year since 2015, and the top 15
by 8.06%.
“We’re starting to decouple growth of the biotech and
pharmaceutical industry from increased carbon output, so
that overall trend is really exciting,” Connelly said.
However, progress has not been universal. “Unfortunately,
while the top companies are driving reductions,
particularly in the past year, if you look at the broader
industry as a whole, we’re actually seeing carbon intensity
increase,” Connelly added.
The report also found a strong correlation between region
and carbon intensity. “One thing that was very interesting
in the data was the carbon impact of companies based in
Asia-Pacific tend to be about twice as high for Scope 1
and 2, compared to companies based in Europe or North
Lab Sustainability
Lab Sustainability
America,” Connelly said. The report authors note that this
may be attributed to greater outsourcing of manufacturing
by North American and European companies.
Only 10% of the 91 public companies studied in the
report were found to have targets validated by the Science
Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) to be aligned with a
1.5 °C world. “The Science Based Targets Initiative is a
global initiative to help bring some rigor and accountability
when a company says they’re going to be net zero carbon,”
Connelly explained. A company’s emission reduction
target is evaluated to determine if it is aligned to a 1.5,
2 or 3 °C world.
Despite the seemingly low percentage, Connelly noted
that “10% is actually pretty good when you look across
all of our global industries.” He was optimistic that this
figure will increase as more corporate sustainability
teams hold their suppliers accountable to an SBTI-aligned
target. Some of the largest companies have begun working
together through the Sustainable Markets Initiative to set a
standard for suppliers.
The interconnected global supply chain shared by biotech
and pharma presents great opportunities for collective
action Connelly explained: “When they act together, and
in fact, only if they act together, are they able to influence
their suppliers and create the change necessary at scale, to
get the whole industry to drive towards net zero by 2050,
or sooner.”
More companies adopting zero carbon targets
On a positive note, the number of biotech and pharma
companies that have joined the UN Race to Zero has
increased from 30 to 35 since last year, now accounting
for 53% of the sector by revenue. The report highlights
that this is beaten only by the financial services, consumer
goods, fashion, and information and communication
technology sectors.
Importantly, 63% of pharma and med tech companies in
the campaign have started a green lab program, nearly half
of which have achieved the My Green Lab Certification at a
global scale.
“My Green Lab Certification is a tool to take high-level
organizational goals and turn them into practical action on
the ground in an area of research that’s often left behind
because the idea is you can’t do something about it,”
Connelly said.
It is an “important way to align overall corporate values
with what’s happening at the lab,” and can help the people
within a company to feel involved in their sustainability
initiatives he added.
This certification was selected as a key indicator of progress
for the UNFCCC High-Level Climate Champions’ 2030
Breakthroughs in 2021, with a goal that 95% of biotech and
pharma labs have to be certified at the highest level
by 2030.
As part of efforts to scale up the number of companies on
the pathway to achieving Certification, My Green Lab has
recently announced a collaborative supply chain initiative
with the largest pharma companies. Through collective
action, the Converge initiative will incentivize and
ultimately request CROs, CDMOs and CMOs within the
supply chain to pursue My Green Lab Certification.
Scope 1 emissions – direct
emissions from owned or
controlled sources, such as a
natural gas boiler burning fuel
Scope 2 emissions – indirect
carbon emissions from
purchased energy consumed by
the reporting company, such as
Scope 3 emissions – all other
indirect emissions upstream or
downstream in a company’s
value chain. For example,
upstream could include the
materials required to make a
vaccine, while downstream
would include the energy used to
store and dispose of the vaccine.
My Green Lab Certification
is the global gold standard for
laboratory sustainability best
practices, providing scientists
with actionable ways to make
meaningful change. Over
2,000 labs in a range of
sectors have been supported
by the program which covers
fourteen topics related to
energy, water, waste, chemistry/
materials and engagement.
Lab Sustainability
The report found Scope 3 emissions were almost five
times larger than Scope 1 and 2 combined, and with
purchased goods and services accounting for the majority
of these Scope 3 emissions, improving supply chains can
make a big impact on the industry’s carbon footprint. In
addition to Converge, several other collective initiatives
have been developed to address Scope 3 emissions,
including Energize, which aims to accelerate renewable
energy adoption, and Activate, a program to gather data on
active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers.
Continued need for change
The improvements noted in the report are positive signs
that the biotech and pharma industry is committed to
reducing its carbon footprint, but further change is needed
to achieve the Paris Agreement target. Key areas of focus
highlighted by the authors are the need for more accurate
reporting and practical action plans for reducing carbon
“We have to move at this point beyond commitments to
real action. And what that takes to go from commitments
to real action is the establishment of good baselines from
which to measure from,” Connelly said.
Scope 3 data is calculated using a lot of assumptions, which
can make it hard to establish baselines and subsequently
measure the impact of changes Connelly noted.
However, the authors remain optimistic that the industry
is well-equipped to take on this challenge and act as
a model for other industry sectors to achieve net zero
carbon. Tools like My Green Lab Certification can play a
key role in helping to put organizational-level carbon goals
into action.
“It’s time, not only to set big goals, but we’ve got to get to work
and make them happen on the ground,” concluded Connelly.
About the interviewee:
James Connelly serves as the chief executive officer of My Green
Lab. Prior to his role at My Green Lab, Connelly held the position of
Vice President of Strategic Growth at the International Living Future
Institute (ILFI). In this capacity, he spearheaded international growth
strategies and was a founding board member of Living Future
Institute Europe. During his time at ILFI, James initiated several
cutting-edge sustainability programs, earning numerous scholarships
and awards for his impactful research and contributions. Connelly
was named a Greenbiz 30 under 30 Sustainable Business Leader in
2016 and a Net Zero Energy Trailblazer in 2019.
Credit: iStock
Inspiring Scientists To Implement
Sustainability in the Lab
Kate Robinson
In 2019, Lee Hibbett set up the Technical Sustainability
Working Group (TSWG) for the University of Nottingham
(UoN). This group of lab technicians from the University’s
Nottingham and Derby campuses works to see where best
practices from different departments can be rolled out to
the whole University.
In this interview, Lee discusses the challenges in
promoting sustainability, the achievements of TSWG, the
benefits of sustainable lab practices and how laboratory
managers could improve the sustainability of their
Q: What are the key challenges in promoting
sustainability in laboratory settings?
A: Promoting sustainability in labs faces several hurdles:
1. Resource consumption: Labs are resourceintensive, using large amounts of energy, water,
chemicals and single-use plastics. Changing ingrained
practices and finding efficient alternatives can be
difficult especially in a higher education setting.
2. Chemical safety: Sustainable practices must
prioritize safety. Finding non-toxic or less hazardous
alternatives might require adjustments to protocols.
But every time any changes are to be made for
sustainable reasons, health and safety must be
consulted first and this can take time and money.
3. Upfront costs: Investing in sustainable equipment or
modifying infrastructure can seem expensive initially,
despite potential long-term savings. Having a great
business case to show all the benefits of the proposed
changes makes a big difference in getting funding.
4. Awareness and behavior change:
Encouraging staff and students to adopt new practices
requires ongoing education and addressing ingrained
habits. So, finding good courses and delivering them
well helps to foster change.
Q: Can you tell us about the Technical
Sustainability Working Group and its goals?
A: The working group is led by our technicians here at
UoN. It is important to have technicians, who are at
the forefront of university labs, to lead green initiatives
and share our best sustainable practices and ideas to the
working group, the university sustainability team and
external partners to make the work we all do greener
and more sustainable.
We have 35 members that meet every three months to
discuss what has been happening in their labs/schools and
a Teams page that we use for all information sharing.
So far, we have:
• Set up writing instrument recycling on campus
to recycle all used pens, markers etc., with a local
Lab Sustainability
Lab Sustainability
school. Over 30 kg of equipment has been saved
from going to landfill.
• Purchased over 200 waterless condensers for labs,
which will save 4 million liters of water per year.
• Replaced 100 water pumps, saving over 10 million
liters of water.
• Started moving -80°C ULT freezers to -70°C to
save 25% in energy usage and have replaced six
old inefficient freezers, saving over >30,000 kWs
in energy.
• Purchased a solvent recycler to recycle acetone
from cleaning glassware (last year around 600
liters were saved from disposal) and started using
green solvents in the chemistry labs.
• Set up polystyrene recycling.
• Signed on to the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment
Framework (LEAF) as a way of benchmarking
efficient and sustainable lab practices. So far 80
labs have achieved a bronze or silver award.
• Recycled consumables, furniture and old
lab equipment.
Q: What are the benefits of transitioning
towards more sustainable lab practices?
A: Reduced environmental impact: Lower energy and
water use, less waste and safer chemicals benefit the
Cost savings: Sustainable practices can lead to cost
reductions in waste disposal, energy bills, lab consumables,
lab equipment purchasers and water usage.
Improved safety: Sustainable practices often involve
using less hazardous chemicals, leading to a safer work
environment, and better protocols for the experiments
being run.
Enhanced reputation: Demonstrating a commitment
to sustainability can attract environmentally conscious
researchers and funding and increases the universities
reputation/score in national and international rankings.
Q: What advice would you give to laboratory
managers who are interested in improving the
sustainability of their operations:
A: Clearly communicate the lab/schools commitment
to sustainability to researchers and staff. This initial
buy-in is essential for long-term success. Highlighting
the environmental and financial benefits can motivate
Conduct a lab sustainability audit (LEAF is a great way of
starting this journey) to identify areas for improvement.
This can involve analyzing energy and water consumption,
waste generation by type (hazardous, chemical,
plastic etc.) and chemical purchasing habits. Look for
inefficiencies and areas where substitutions or procedural
changes can make a difference.
Train staff on sustainable practices and involve them
in decision-making. Workshops and seminars can raise
awareness and provide practical tips for implementing
sustainable practices in everyday lab tasks. Encourage staff
to suggest ideas and participate in brainstorming sessions
to develop solutions (the TSWG is a great example of this).
Explore resources from organizations like the American
Chemical Society’s Green Chemistry Institute the Royal
Society of Chemistry and the Laboratory Efficiency Action
Network (LEAN) These institutes provide a wealth of
information on sustainable practices, including alternative
procedures, safer chemicals and lab design considerations.
Universities and research institutions may also have
sustainability offices or internal resources to provide
guidance and support.
Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability by
adopting sustainable practices yourself and encouraging
collaboration. This could involve implementing paperless
protocols, reusing glassware whenever possible and opting
for energy-efficient equipment. Look for opportunities to
collaborate with other labs on sustainable purchasing or
sharing resources to reduce waste.
Lee Hibbett was speaking to Kate Robinson, Assistant Editor for
Technology Networks.
About the interviewee:
Lee Hibbett is a technical manager in the school of pharmacy at
the University of Nottingham, and the founder of the Technical
Sustainability Working Group.
Lab Sustainability
Anna MacDonald
Anna is a senior science editor at Technology Networks. She
holds a first-class honors degree in biological sciences from
the University of East Anglia. Before joining Technology
Networks she helped organize scientific conferences.
Charlotte Houghton
Charlotte is a carbon reduction manager at the University
of Oxford. She focuses on identifying, developing and
delivering carbon reduction projects, specifically with
regard to building services.
Kate Robinson
Kate is an assistant editor at Technology Networks. She
joined the team in 2021 after obtaining a bachelor’s degree
in biomedical sciences.
Laura Lansdowne
Laura Lansdowne is the managing editor at Technology
Networks, she holds a first-class honors degree in biology.
Before her move into scientific publishing, Laura worked at
the Wellcome Sanger Institute and GW Pharma.
Lucy Lawrence
Lucy Lawrence is the Senior Digital Content Producer
at Technology Networks. Her unwavering belief in the
transformative power of science drives her to create
exceptional content that educates, inspires, and entertains.
Srividya Kailasam, PhD
Srividya holds a PhD in analytical chemistry from the
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. She has developed
numerous LC, LC-MS and LC-MS/MS methods for the
analysis of a variety of samples.
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