Latest Infographics
Milestones in Cancer Immunology
The field of cancer immunology concerns the study of the interaction between the immune system and cancer cells.
Lab Sustainability
For the future of our planet, we all know it is important to address the sustainability of our practices, tools and workspaces across the sectors. Science is no exception. But it’s also critical that, in carrying out scientific research in a more environmentally sustainable way, safety and quality are maintained.
Cell Signaling in Disease
Download this infographic to explore why cell signaling is important, how Wnt signaling is involved in cancer and the role of the JAK/STAT pathway in neurodegenerative disease.
Rapid Mycoplasma Testing: Meeting Regulatory Requirements with Confidence
Cell-based products must be free of mycoplasma to ensure their quality and safety. Download this infographic to learn how to detect mycoplasma infections efficiently and meet regulatory compliance with confidence.
Spatial Transcriptomics in Human Cell Atlas Studies
Download this free interactive infographic to learn more about how innovative spatial tools are being used in human cell atlas studies.
Download this infographic to learn more about what bioprocessing is, the various stages of bioprocessing and future developments in this space.
Unravelling the Myths of Laboratory Automation
Download this infographic to unravel some of the common myths surrounding laboratory automation and uncover the truth about its key benefits.
Disease Modeling
In this infographic, we explore what is meant by disease modeling and highlight how advanced cell models are helping researchers to overcome some of the limitations associated with classical cell lines and animal models.
Lab Essentials in Virology and Vaccine Research
Download this infographic to discover how everyday lab tools can ensure accuracy and efficiency in vaccine and virology research.
Western Blot Troubleshooting
Download this infographic to discover tips and tricks on each stage of western blotting including sample preparation, electrophoresis, washing and blocking, and detection.